Sometimes, dread of the daily grind can cause you to wonder, “What can I do to boost career growth?” Do you know how to reach your career goals? Our clients come to us seeking the best path for career transitions. At the start of each client engagement, we ask them some simple questions. Do you wake up excited to take on the work day? Do you feel fulfilled, knowing that you’re passionate about your job and career? The sad truth is that most professionals feel stuck. Roughly 70% of American workers say that they aren’t engaged on the job. They find themselves just going through the motions in the workplace, and at the most extreme levels of low morale, might even be actively trying to sabotage their company. As a result, professionals are stressed out, feeling unsatisfied in their careers and as though they are trapped in day to day monotony.

Making the changes you need to reach career goals doesn’t have to be difficult. The truth is many people become hesitant and even resistant to change, even if they know it will improve their situation. After coming up with an idea or plan to improve their circumstances, they quit on themselves. No matter if you want to find a new job, a promotion, or to just negotiate a raise, you have to be serious and take consistent action. If you’re feeling stuck, you aren’t alone. We’ve compiled 10 easy changes to help you reach your career goals and get your career back on track.

1. Identify your goals in your current position.

What do you want to accomplish in your current situation? Identifying your goals will help you see how you can grow. Are you on track to reaching those goals? If not, think about developing your own performance improvement plan to show a path to the goal. Before you can expect to receive more responsibilities or compensation, you must be outstanding in your role.

2. Believe in yourself and your abilities to achieve what you set out to do.

If you don’t truly believe in yourself or skill set, you will have a long, uphill battle when it comes to being successful at work. First, identify your key skills that you are proud of and strive to use them. Don’t let setbacks get you down. Maximize your strengths when working on projects and accept the fact that you won’t be an expert in every subject.

3. Remove any negative thoughts and emotions, as well as people who are hindering you.

This is much easier said than done. In the workplace, we are often exposed to negative people or situations that are beyond our control. How can you minimize the impact of these circumstances? Think about reducing some of the time and energy you give to unproductive people and situations. Diplomatically excuse yourself from negative situations or conversations that can be mentally taxing. When you have a bad day or negative thoughts, try and prioritize the positive aspects of the situation.

4. Grow your professional network.

We’ve discussed before the benefits of building a professional network, but it bears repeating There are so many positive aspects that come from building and expanding your network. From building a network, you can get exposure to job opportunities, become acquainted with leaders in your industry, and meet others who can help your learning and development. Don’t hesitate to get out of your comfort zone and attend events for professional associations, industry conferences, and trade shows.

5. Create a strong career support system of colleagues, mentors, and coaches.

How strong is your career support system. Friends and family members can be great when it comes to venting about your day, but because they are close to you, they usually are biased. Don’t take it the wrong way: your family and friends love you and just want to see you happy. To create an even support group, consider adding professionals and colleagues to the mix. Having a group of professionals to provide an outside perspective on your career is invaluable. They can provide a realistic center and advise you on additional steps to take when a problem arises.

6. Look for new opportunities to boost career growth through supplemental courses, professional growth, certifications, and/or degrees.

What training or information would help you do your job (or your dream job) better? Consider taking any courses or getting additional certifications to expand your knowledge. It can help you within your current position, but there are added benefits as well. Taking courses and getting certifications can bolster your resume, helping you to expand your skill set. When the times comes that you decide to change your career, you will have more data for your application!

7. Assess if you are still passionate about your career and current position.

It’s true that many people remain in jobs or organizations strictly for financial or other benefits. However, if you feel stuck or disengaged that is an indication that over the long term you will be unhappy or dissatisfied. Think about how often you actually feel happy at your job and whether or not the work fulfills you. If you find that you are more often dissatisfied than satisfied, you will more than likely find looking for ways to boost career growth.

8. Make a plan to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Making a plan is a great way to set goalposts in your career and keep it on track. Depending on what you’re trying to achieve, you might need to include others in your planning efforts. They can help with an different perspective, offering solutions you might not have thought of otherwise. Think about how you will handle any problems that may arise and consider alternate solutions. Having a “map” so to speak can help prepare you for not just the expected, but the unexpected as well.

9. Make a commitment to remain positive about your current situation and future prospects.

Maintaining a positive attitude can be challenging in stressful situations. By preparing yourself with the necessary plans and education, while minimizing negative influences, you can improve your level of confidence and better keep your spirits up when dealing with stress. When you recognize that you’re focusing on external issues, have faith that things will work out. Perseverance is key in any industry to achieve long term goals and career success.

10. Take consistent and decisive action.

After thinking and planning for your next moves, it’s time to implement it and make your goals a reality. The vast majority of people don’t achieve what they were hoping to because of inaction or lack of follow through. Schedule out the tasks that must be completed, making a flexible timeline to move forward and get help from your career support system when necessary. Don’t be too hard on yourself to rush through your plan: remember, it is your career path and it can take as much time as you need to progress.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a manual or instruction guide when it comes to navigating your career. Therefore, many professionals end up feeling unhappy or stuck in their job, leading to the need to boost career growth. Understanding how to get your career on track can be beneficial in improving your level of satisfaction, income, and career development. Which of these areas discussed would make the greatest impact on you and your career?

Still find yourself looking for ways to boost career growth? Fly High Coaching is always here to help. We offer expert professional resume services and career coaching to help professionals improve their career path or change the path they are on. Contact us today to get started on your new career path or check out our FREE Kick Start Your Success course for more ways to improve your career situation.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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