How bad do you want it?  That new career, more income, or business you’ve been dreaming about for years.  Most people will talk all day about things they say that they want, but not actually do anything about it.  There are two main reasons why: the person doesn’t actually know how to accomplish their goal or they are afraid of the sacrifices necessary to achieve it.  With information being so readily available online, it’s relatively simple to get a basic idea of how to start a project.  From what I’ve seen with my career coaching clients, 70% of the time fear is what’s stopping them from having a life they love. 

What if you weren’t afraid to ask for a raise, work for a promotion, or quit your job?  How would your life change?  For many executives and professionals this means making more money and being happier about your career.  So why is it so difficult to overcome your fears?  Maybe you don’t know anyone who’s been successful with what you’re trying to do.   It’s possible everyone in your life says that your goal isn’t realistic.  You might not have a solid plan and the support to see it through.  Whatever’s been stopping you in the past doesn’t have to dictate your future.  Use these career coaching tips to challenge your fear and get what you want!

Get Support

It’s imperative that you have a support system to help you stay motivated and assist in new creative ways.  You don’t have to go it alone!  So many executives and professionals have ambitious goals, but when you’re already overworked adding something else to your plate can be a nightmare.  Fear quickly sets in and they quit on themselves.  Friends and family are great to talk to about your goals, but their input can often be detrimental if they don’t have relevant experience.  Talking to a mentor or career coach can really help to put things into perspective and be most beneficial.

Be Prepared

Do you know all of the skills and requirements necessary for the position you want?  Are you prepared for the interview and able to complete the tasks on the job?  The majority of people are “winging it” through life.  They wish and hope for things with out taking the necessary steps to actually be successful.  Being able to create a realistic plan and execute it is an invaluable skill that can get you positive results.  The act of preparing also helps to lessen fears around taking action.

Embrace Uncertainty

How do you feel when you don’t know all of the answers or how things will turn out?  Most executives and professionals would answer with some mix of worry, anxiety, and fear.  It’s completely natural to be afraid and have doubts, but you don’t have to let it stop you from having the career and life you desire.  Accepting and embracing uncertainty is one of the hardest things to do.  Having faith and the knowledge that you are prepared for situations, can help you work through the fear. 

How serious are you about your goals?   If you are dead set on achieving them, knowing how to challenge your fear will benefit you every step of the way.  Focus on getting support, being prepared, and embracing the uncertainty of circumstances.  You don’t have to spend your time dreaming about what you want; you can start making it a reality.  What fears can you challenge right now?  


Still find yourself looking for ways to boost career growth? Fly High Coaching is always here to help. We offer expert executive and professional resume services and career coaching to help you improve throughout your career journey or make a career change. Contact us today to get started taking action on your career goals or check out our FREE Kick Start Your Success course for more ways to improve your career situation. 

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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