What is the job that you consider your “dream job?” If you received multiple job offers, would you be able to decide which one to take? Many people are in search of a dream job, but don’t really know what makes it different from other job opportunities or how to find it. For many of our past clients and career professionals, the lack of a defined dream job can leave them feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled at work, going through the daily motions to get their job done. On top of that, with the popularity of social media, it’s easy to be inundated with posts, statuses, and images of people who seem to have it all. Daily messages can remind you of their great jobs, rewarding lives, and exciting vacations. Before getting caught up in the online worlds of others, take the time to sit and ask yourself, “Do I know what I really want?”

Unfortunately, most professionals find themselves unhappy with their careers. However, despite wanting to change, they don’t have a clear idea on what to look for or the steps needed to create change in their lives. Most people aren’t taught how to navigate their career, change jobs, or handle conflict in the workplace, which makes seeking change all the more difficult. When pursuing your dream job, it’s best to have clarity on a few key areas that will help identify what suits you best. Here are three important elements to consider to better discover your dream job!

Career Progression

What is a job and how does it differ from a career? How do people discuss them differently? Most jobs have a shorter-term focus and feel, where the main point is to receive a paycheck. Many people go to work at a job, complete a range of tasks daily, and leave after a period of time. A career is much more in depth, usually with a longer-term focus in a specific occupational area or industry. What career would best suit your professional skills and unique personality? Where do your interests lie? These factors impact happiness at a position and are a part of what makes something your dream job. What could you do all day that wouldn’t feel like work? Once you’ve determined your ideal career fit, it becomes considerably easier to find job options. 

Company Values

What makes you value an employer? Which is more important from an organization: a greater purpose or the monetary value? Do you want the company to focus on employee wellbeing above all? Envision your ideal company and make a list of traits that appeal to you within an organization. Common traits professionals think about are transparency, honesty, customer/client service, business growth, and employee or talent development. Once you’ve identified what’s most important to you, use those aspects to weigh companies with different career opportunities. Most company websites and online sources will list or have language that can help you determine their values. Make sure to also take the time to read employee review sites to see the rating of those organizations as well. 

Professional Compensation

Overall compensation and salary will, of course, come into play when thinking about a dream job for any professional. Everyone wants to be able to live comfortably and afford the lifestyle they want to pursue. This can be a major factor in job satisfaction. However, money is a topic difficult for many people to discuss, whether in the job search process or even in an interview setting. It is also common for professionals to be unaware of the appropriate salary based on their education, experience, and geographical region. Using these key factors, researching salary information online is a vital step before identifying if an opportunity is a dream job or just another job.

While most people have an vague idea of their dream job, they have no way to determine what opportunities they really want. The first step towards finding a career that will fulfill your life and satisfy you is to gain clarity on what career is a good fit with your personality, professional skills, and interests. Knowing what company values resonate with you is also helpful in choosing the right environment for you to grow and thrive. Finally, having a realistic understanding of the compensation rates and incentives you need not only ensures that you can maintain the lifestyle you want, but if you will be happy long term. When it comes to your career path, what is the main aspect you would focus on in a dream job search?

Fly High Coaching is dedicated to helping you identify and land your dream job. We offer expert professional resume services and career coaching to help professionals find their ideal career and secure interviews. Reach out to us today to get started on your dream career or check out our Land Your Dream Job 101 Course to learn what you can do now.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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