How many meetings do you have at work each week? Do you have one, two, five, or more meetings? Many executives and professionals dread having meetings because it takes them away from their primary job while work keeps piling up. Another common complaint is that nothing gets accomplished or agreed upon within a meeting due to different viewpoints. A lack of consensus can lead to having more discussions about the initial meeting you went to, and wasting more time. But managing your time is your job, so learning productivity tips for that becomes essential.

Management teams and executives call meetings for various reasons, including brainstorming innovative ideas, explaining and implementing new procedures, and getting immediate feedback on performance goals. How has your attitude and behavior affected your results as a meeting participant? It’s important to understand that as someone in the meeting, there are things you can do to become a more effective contributor. Here are four tips for productive meetings!

Focus on the topic

The first one on the productivity tips list doesn’t lose your focus. One reason many meetings get derailed and take longer than expected is an overall lack of focus. Discussions can lead in many directions when people don’t stick to a plan. If you’re not in a management role, you probably don’t have any control over the topic of meetings. Still, you can be mindful only to contribute information relevant to the current discussion. You don’t want others to think of you as someone who takes everyone off track. If someone takes the conversation differently, finding a way to bring it back to the main subject can help position you as a leader.

Eliminate the use of technology distractions

Leave your laptop out of the meeting room and if you must bring your cell phone, have it out of sight. Looking at your computer, texting on your phone, or just reading other content while in a meeting is rude and can signal to others that you aren’t invested in the conversation. Many professionals think they can multitask effectively, but that isn’t accurate. A research study found that only 2.5% of people can multitask without decreasing their overall performance. Doing multiple things at once causes most people not to complete any task to the best of their ability.   

Take descriptive notes

Some professionals think that meetings are boring if they don’t access other stimuli, such as their phones or laptop. Yes, the truth is that some sessions are boring, but try to consider the big picture regarding why your boss thinks it’s vital for you to be involved. Taking descriptive notes can occupy your time and helps you think about any potential obstacles or challenges relating to the discussion. Recording notes is excellent for your reference after the meeting, but it also signifies to others that you are serious about your position and want to do well. This is another one of the essential productivity tips.

Speak up

Being vocal during meetings is favorable for many reasons: you let others know that you’re paying attention and have the confidence to present your ideas and be a critical thinker. The key is to speak up when you have a meaningful question or comment. Talking excessively doesn’t help anyone and can make it seem like you are wasting other people’s time. Even if you have a critique or think something isn’t a good idea, you want to present that information objectively. You don’t want to be hostile or someone who kills ideas.

Meetings at work can be a productive time to plan, or they can be drawn out and seem like a waste of time. Even though you might not have a say in the meeting subject or whether you attend, you can improve your productivity. Stay on track during the conversation by focusing on the topic at hand. Eliminate or substantially limit your use of laptops and cell phones. Write descriptive notes, so you don’t have multiple questions afterward and improve your critical thinking.

Finally, speak up if you have valuable comments or questions for the group. How will you improve productivity during your next meeting? 


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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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