How’s your mental outlook regarding your business goals right now? Are you confident about them? Or, are you wondering how you will achieve your business goals? Currently, we are living in uncertain times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organizations have experienced setbacks to growth and success, including furloughs and layoffs, as a result, while employees remoting in has drastically increased worldwide. It is very easy to develop a negative mindset and attitude about the economy and your business opportunities in general. In spite of this, you have the ability to acknowledge the circumstances without deciding to give up on all of your business expectations and aspirations. Here are four tips to help you stay positive with your business goals during these trying times!

1. Remove or Limit Exposure to the 24-Hour News Cycle

Whether televised or in an online format, the news is an essential source of information. News coverage across a variety of platforms has become continuous, operating in a 24-hour cycle to keep up with the current events. Even though it’s helpful to hear local information and know vital safety details, watching and reading the news all day can also increase the development of an overall negative and cynical mindset. Negativity, worry, and doubt can often make business owners believe that they won’t be successful with their planned endeavors and growth projects. Get caught up with the news at specific set times in the day and remove or limit yourself from the continuous news cycle.

2. Reduce Time Spent on Social Media

Professional and personal social media platforms can be beneficial for networking and connecting purposes, especially when nearly everything is operating online exclusively. On the other hand, pursuing social media can be extremely overwhelming and time-consuming. These platforms bombard you constantly with images, details, content and other people’s ideas . The specific organizations and people you follow can significantly impact your ability to remain optimistic about yourself and your business outlook. Reducing your time spent on social media platforms can help you regain focus on your opinions, thoughts, and goals.

3. Maintain Your Network of Professional Contacts and Support System

Managing your business and working remotely while under quarantine can impact your sense of connection with others. Pursuing a business growth and success is a goal that can be stressful and deepen the feeling of isolation during these trying times. Maintaining your support system of positive friends and family members can help you keep pursuing your goals in spite of uncertainty. Keeping in touch with your network of professional contacts, mentors, and business coaches is another way to remain optimistic and motivated about your business. Setting aside some time to talk through challenges via video or phone with those in your network or support system is also beneficial.

4. Stay Focused on Your Business Goals

It’s safe to say that countless distractions influence what we think and do with all that’s going on. It is very easy to lose track of your business goals and the steps necessary to achieve them under the current circumstances. The previously mentioned tips are all ways to help you limiting the amount of negative external influences. By following these tips, it is easier for you to maintain focused on your success and goals. As time passes, if you have maximized your effort, abilities and energy, it increases your chances of success for the future.

Have you been staying positive under the current circumstances? Global health regulations have forced the majority of people to work and maintain their business from home, which has affected basic activities. As a result, many owners have begun to feel pessimistic about reaching their business goals. Not viewing news constantly around the clock and reducing the amount of time on social media are helpful ways to become more positive. Maintaining your support system and professional contacts, can also allow you to stay focused on your goals. What changes can you make to remain positive during these uncertain times?


Fly High Coaching is dedicated to helping you and your business succeed. We offer expert business coaching to help professionals navigate the ups and downs of owning, operating and succeeding in their business goals. Reach out to us today to get started on business coaching or check out our Kick Start Your Success Course to learn what you can do now.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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