What criteria do job seekers look for when considering a new organization for employment? Is it their services, compensation rates, products, or overall direction from corporate executives? Many job seekers also assess key intangibles such as company culture, reputation, and brand awareness. There is so much to think about as potential new hires consider whether or not to join your organization. Is there a way to identify critical factors that can highlight your business reputation?

Everyone is unique and will have different criteria and values during a job search. If finding a good business culture is a priority for them, then researching an organization’s reputation is the first step. Knowing this allows your business to take the initiative to stand out from your competitors. After completing an online search of former and current employees’ experiences, job seekers usually take things a step further. Here are three aspects of a business reputation you need to know to set your company apart!

Governance of the Organization

The ability in which companies are controlled and directed, also known as governance, is the number one concern of individuals when determining business reputation. More than half of professionals are unsure or unconvinced that businesses are utilizing the proper governance. This includes elements like ethical decision-making by internal members (board of directors, shareholders, stakeholders, etc.), sound practices by executives and management, and regulation by federal/state authorities. These considerations can be challenging to evaluate regardless of being within or without a company. However, the companies with the best reputations take the time and make sure to highlight their internal procedures and processes.

Culture of Openness and Transparency

Consumers and potential job candidates are seeking companies that are transparent and authentic with them. Just in the last year, there have been noteworthy decreases in the perception of transparency, authenticity, and openness. Think about reviewing your organization’s press releases, social media profiles, and website to ensure your business provides enough information on its activities for potential new hires to review. There is a belief that many companies are only focused on profits and financial gains. By assessing your marketing efforts and website, you can your company appears genuine.

Social Responsibility and Supporting Good Causes

Some companies are not known for their positive influence or efforts within society. The perception is that these companies are making billions of dollars and not giving back to communities and their employees purposefully. The concept of corporate and business social responsibility has become an important topic over the last twenty years because of corporate scandals and missteps. It involves how a business addresses its impact on the general marketplace, environment, and community. Can you find any specifically stated details on these topics your company’s online presence or website? Allowing job seekers to see compelling information about your organization supporting good causes improves their chance of valuing their internal workplace the same way.

Finding the right organization to work for in the job market can be challenging for many professionals. Job seekers might be concerned about attaining the salary they want and very serious about finding the right company culture that will fit them.Looking into areas of your business reputation, including governance, transparency, and corporate social responsibility can be helpful to set your business apart from the rest for top job candidates. What areas surprised you the most?

Do you plan to work on these for your business’s online presence and brand?


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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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