“You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ~ Stephen Richards Are you wondering, ‘How can I create success?’ There are a few things that really help to generate massive results in your life:...
The people in the Millennial Generation, ages 18-34, are a new breed. They embrace technology, social media, and globalization. Millennials tend to be progressive and forward thinking. The Millennial Performance Institute works with organizations to attract,...
Excel – to be superior to: surpass in accomplishment or achievement. What would it mean to excel in your life? Does it mean you would get your dream job? Would you move to a new city? Could it involve spending more time with your family? Is it simply having more...
Its official, you are transitioning! Something has caused a major shift in your career or business and you are moving from the past to an unknown future. A common question people ask is, “Where do I go from here?” The answer, “Wherever YOU want to go! Coaching...
What is the number one reason people give for NOT doing something? I don’t have enough time. You have big ideas and made plans to start a meaningful project, but you can never find the time to get it done. Days, weeks, and months fly by, but there hasn’t been...
What does your typical day look like? Maybe you’re up at 7am, in the office by 9am, and work all day until you can take a break and leave for the night. If that sounds like how you spend your days, how satisfied are you with your career and relationships?...