Do you enjoy working from home? Are you as productive and efficient when working from home as when you are onsite, at your company’s office? Today, the number of remote employees is higher than ever and due to the pandemic, and more employees are willingly...
You’ve been planning incessantly. You implemented a job search strategy by sending out more resumes than you could even count and aced the interview! Congratulations! Months (or years) of work has finally paid off and you are in your dream job. You might celebrate...
I facilitate a lot of workshops within companies to help groups in certain areas like leadership development, communication, and time management. After completing the workshop, people usually come up and ask me questions or make comments about the content. By far...
It’s bad, really bad. You know that this job or career isn’t for you. It could be a nagging feeling, blatantly obvious circumstances, or negatively affecting your health. Maybe it’s so bad that all of your friends and family members know. Even though the writing...
How bad do you want it? That new career, more income, or business you’ve been dreaming about for years. Most people will talk all day about things they say that they want, but not actually do anything about it. There are two main reasons why: the person doesn’t...
Do you know it’s time for a change? Maybe you know its time to start making more money, but you don’t know how. Or you are at a job you know is draining your energy and sucking the life out of you. It’s even possible that there are two great opportunities in front...