“You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ~ Stephen Richards 

Are you wondering, ‘How can I create success?’  There are a few things that really help to generate massive results in your life: a positive attitude, a great support system, persistence, and faith.  It’s also vital to have a beginner’s mind.  This means that you are humbly, in the constant pursuit of knowledge.  Problems and challenges arise, but they are really opportunities for you to grow and create success, based on your own definition.

Working with a coach can help you see things from a different perspective and focus your energy on the things you want.  What is success to you?  A new job, completing a project, or finally putting excuses to the side and walking your talk?  Whatever the shift is that you are trying to make, having a beginner’s mind will help you take purposeful action.  Wildly successful people like, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, and Steve Jobs provide great examples of how to create success.  They also embraced the 3 secrets to having a beginner’s mind…

1. Seek Knowledge

Are you open to alternative ideas?  This is a challenge to really get out of the box with your thinking.  How often do you perform online searches or go to the library?  Try researching different strategies and tools that could help, before you make any plans.  Find others who have been in your position and interview them. 

2. Humility

What is your overall attitude like?  If you sincerely want to reach your goals, accepting that you do not know everything and don’t have all of the answers is pivotal.  Are you willing to listen to and learn from others?  On a scale from 1, not humble -10, sincerely humble, how do you rate yourself?  You can save a lot of time, energy, and frustration by asking genuinely for help.

3. Try New Things

Are you open to new thoughts, ideas, and experiences?  When was the last time you completely ditched your routine?  Structure and order are useful when implementing plans, but allowing yourself the freedom to explore prior to establishing a strategy is important.  Adding insight to your own specific viewpoint is part of the recipe to your unique success.


Now that you know the secrets to having a beginner’s mind, how do you measure up?  What can you add to your approach to create success in your life?  Get really clear on what you want, and start incorporating these secrets into your action plan.  We’d love to hear how it’s working out!  If you want to discuss how to create success in more detail, I invite you to contact us for a free, Vision of Success Session.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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