Have you ever been in the process of trying to move forward, but instead just felt stuck?  You were hoping to make a big shift in your life, career, or income but ended up spinning your wheels, going around in circles.  Maybe you couldn’t figure out what the problem was.  Your surroundings play a big part in your ability to create success.  Did you consider examining the energy around you?

NegativityThe expression of criticism or pessimism about something.

How have you addressed negativity in your life?  Take a moment to consider the people, jobs, and different environments around you.  Does anything or anyone feel draining, stressful, or make you tired?  Whatever comes to mind could be stopping you from creating the success you want.  Just one negative situation can have a huge effect on your mindset and overall health.  Let’s consider how releasing negativity can help you get what you want! 

Let Go

When you release people, associations, and environments that are not serving you, this frees you up to move forward in numerous ways.  Many people are able to focus on the things they really want by eliminating distractions, drama, and negativity.  You can take action faster and improve in areas where you want to excel! Letting go creates space for new, better things to come into your life.  What do you need to let go of to get ready for the success you want?

Weight Is Lifted

Releasing negativity is like lifting a huge burden off of your back.  You are happier, feel lighter, and are ready for the next adventure.  Many people spend so much time in negative surroundings, that they forget what it’s like to experience joy and ease.  Where in your life would you like the struggle to end?  Let’s say you are in a negative job that is sucking the life out of you.  How could you accept what is and make a choice about your future?  That might look like deciding to be positive at work (while applying for new positions) regardless of what your coworkers are doing. 

Negativity Repels Success

Think about the times in your life where you’ve given up on something because you thought it was impossible.  The truth is that negativity repels success.  When you believe something will never happen because you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or wealthy enough; it usually doesn’t.  If you are surrounded by others who are telling you this about yourself or some other situation, its time to head in another direction, fast!  Don’t let anyone else’s negative energy, thoughts, or beliefs hold you back.


Now that you know more about releasing negativity, how can you apply this to your own life?  What dream or goal is being ignored because your focus is elsewhere?  When you let go of things that are not serving you, creating success can become easy.  What is one thing you will commit to letting go of in order to reach your goals? Fly High Coaching is here to help you visualize your path to letting your career dreams soar. Check out our Kick-Start Your Success Course or contact us today! 

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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