It’s been a great year, but 2015 is on the way and Fly High Coaching is expanding!  After many business inquiries, we are debuting our new division, the Millennial Performance Institute ™.  Many companies find it difficult to receive great performance from their millennial employees, and as a result these young professionals are often labeled as lazy, self-centered, and disloyal.  Up until now, it has been easy to ignore millennial employees and focus on finding older, staff members from the Gen-X and Baby Boomer Generations.  But in the next five years, Millennials will make up the predominant group in the workforce, so the current options are to prepare for millennial employees or be left behind.

What if companies had the key to unlocking the potential of their Millennials?  That is where we come in!  The Millennial Performance Institute provides a variety of consulting and coaching services for organizations to help them reach their goals.  By raising a company’s performance level of millennial employees, you raise the organization’s revenue.  That is the main focus of the Millennial Performance Institute, but we also help companies create awesome working environments and decrease employee turnover.  Find out the three ways we help companies reach excellence!


Having a highly productive staff of young professionals that will be the future of your organization, sounds like a dream to most companies.  But that can be a reality!  We help companies put systems in place to attract high-caliber, millennial employees that embody the values they are looking for. 


Increasing the performance of current millennial employees is another way we have a huge impact on organizations.  Some companies have estimated that their Millennials spend less than half of their time working!  Instead those employees are on their smart phones, chatting aimlessly, or dealing with other distractions.  Our signature workshops increase engagement among the different generations in the workplace.


The bottom line is that turnover is a big problem.  Surveys have shown that it costs companies between $15,000 and $25,000 to replace each millennial employee they lose.   We assess organizations to find out where the retention issues actually are and implement proven strategies to fix the problem.


We are excited to help companies unlock the potential of their Millennials.  For more information, check out our new website for the Millennial Performance Institute


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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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