What do you wish someone would have told you when you were starting a new career? Most people look back on their career development and think, “If only I knew then what I know now, I’d be farther along.” Many career professionals do not have access to career coaches or mentors to help them avoid potential pitfalls in the workplace and create a plan to reach their career goals. As a result, some professionals reflect on past choices and circumstances, regretting decisions they have made.

We asked our readers, “If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting their career, what would that advice be?” This question struck a chord with many readers, and different responses poured in. Once many professionals are further along in their careers and have experienced the job market, they may have the wisdom to share with others just starting a new career. Are you the kind of person who is open to feedback, alternative viewpoints, or critique? It is essential in your career growth and development to have the ability to receive advice and feedback, even if you disagree. Here are highlights of the best career advice for professionals starting a new career!

What to Do While on the Job

The first set of advice pertains to what to do and how to comport oneself while on the job. What attitudes and behaviors do you display in the office or workplace? Your coworkers and boss will observe everything about you, especially critical within your initial 90 days of starting a new career. Being grateful and engaged for your current position is something that will set you apart from many others. Learning all that you can while doing high-quality work may get you noticed for the right reasons.

  • Don’t look too far.  Enjoy your current career and learn as much as you can.
  • You have two jobs in any role.  The first: do your job as per the job description.  The second is to make your boss look good.  Managing up is as crucial as managing down and sideways.
  • Learn the active listening skill and combine it with rapport building.
  • Accuracy, honesty, and compassion.

Career Development and Growth

Thinking about development and growth is wise even when starting a new career. The sooner you think about the big picture and your overall career strategy, the sooner you can take advantage of different opportunities to go for training, position yourself for promotions, and earn raises. Do you have a vision of success and what it would look like in your career? If not, you need to think about your ideal job, what environment you enjoy working in, and the principles of the organization you want to work with. Most people can offer only advice about careers they’ve been in or traditional career paths they’ve heard about. Do your research, don’t be afraid to try different things, and see what works best for you.

  • Don’t confine yourself to traditional careers.  Look at non-traditional options.
  • Establish a high career floor.  Your potential ceiling may be without limit, but the person who gets the career, promotion, or raise has the high floor.
  • Go to school.

Dare to Dream

We are bombarded by opinions and ideas daily, some of which contradict eachother. Whether you are watching videos online or television, scrolling through your multiple social media feeds, or listening to others at work or home in deep conversation, you are bound to see stark differences on critical topics. The topic of your career can be a point of debate by your family members and friends as well. It is simple to stay in a place of fear or negativity while not following your dreams. Taking action and being positive towards what you desire can help you make your dreams a reality.

  • Please do not give up on finding and attaining your dream career; it is out there and waiting for you.
  • Be true to yourself.  Don’t follow fads.  Do good in the world.
Most people wish that they had been given sound advice at the start of their careers. We asked our readers to give their best career advice for professionals starting a new career. The advice covered many areas, such as presenting yourself at work, what to do on the job, planning for career development and growth, and following your dreams. Do you regularly think about these topics when it comes to your career path? Regardless of what stage you are in of your career, this advice can help improve your job satisfaction level. What advice would you give that wasn’t mentioned already?
Fly High Coaching can help you soar to your full potential and find your dream job. We offer career coaching services, interview preparation and resume makeovers to support your success. Contact us today to get started with our expert career coaches. Check out our Land Your Dream Job 101 course for more information on how you can secure your desired job change.
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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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