Are you regularly feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or upset due to situations at your job? Do you struggle to get ready in the morning when you think about going to work? Do you start feeling sad or anxious on Sunday when you know that Monday, you have to go back to work? Many professionals and executives feel stuck in a bad job and are unhappy with their current employer. Even if you are in a toxic workplace, consistent negative thoughts can be harmful to your emotional, mental, and physical health. At this point, it’s more productive to start maintaining your sanity and creating an exit strategy. Here are seven positive lessons you can learn from a bad job, prior to leaving!

1. Identify What You Want To Do

Do you know what your dream job is? Have you thought about what position doesn’t feel like work and brings you joy? Being in a bad job can bring clarity and identify exactly what you’d rather be doing in your career life. The key is to list out what tasks, responsibilities, and projects you want to work on and be intentional. Many professionals become desperate, overlook this step, and jump into the next job without knowing what they really want to do.

2. Define Your Values

It’s simpler to determine what attributes and values you’re looking for in a new company when you are in a negative workplace. Are a company’s overall mission and vision important to your decision-making process? How would you expect your employer to treat partners, employees, and customers? Writing down the values you want from a future company helps you learn from your current circumstances and identify what you’d like moving forward.

3. Gain Insight on a Specific Industry

While your current job may not be an ideal fit for you, it can provide you the opportunity to learn more about the industry you’re in. Think about the information and knowledge you’ve acquired by being involved in this job field or sector. Can any of that background or experience be applied to a new role with another company? Relevant experience within an industry among job candidates is a bonus for hiring managers and recruiters.

4. Staying Focused

At an elementary level, if you are in a bad job, you normally do not have to be concerned about being distracted by additional workplace activities. This will allow you to focus more on your actual work. When you have limited interactions with others, you can have more time dedicated to responsibilities or the role you were hired to do. What is an area of your performance that you could improve on with more focus?

5. Resolving Personality Differences

The odds are that if you feel like you are in a negative work environment, there are colleagues, managers, and customers that are hard to communicate with. There may be many causes for miscommunication, but a primary one may involve personality differences. We all have parts of our personalities that are natural and normal to us. However, others might find them to be unnecessary, annoying, or even rude. In most bad jobs, you resolve personality differences head-on.

6. Conflict Resolution Skills

Extreme conflict is another common trait of many toxic workplaces. Being exposed to situations involving arguments or disagreements can be very uncomfortable. However, in many negative workplaces, you won’t have the option to avoid all conflict because your performance or job could be in the balance. These situations cause many professionals to develop better conflict resolution skills to work together and get things accomplished.

7. Resiliency

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, working at a bad job improves your resiliency. Sure, many people will just leave a job without a backup plan, but that is not an option for most professionals who have families to support and bills to pay. Working through day-to-day challenges increases your levels of mental fortitude and grit. Improving your resiliency also helps with aspects of critical thinking and problem-solving.

Feeling trapped in a bad job is not ideal for any executive or professional. Nevertheless, there are positive lessons that can be learned from the situation and applied to your next role or career. Negative circumstances can help you get clarity, understand your values and what you want from a company, and help you to capitalize on sector and industry knowledge in future endeavors. You can also focus more on your work, resolve personality differences, improve conflict resolution skills and resiliency. What is a positive aspect you learned from being in a bad job?


Fly High Coaching can help you soar to your full potential and find your dream job. We offer career coaching services, interview preparation and resume makeovers to support your success. Contact us today to get started with our expert career coaches. Check out our Land Your Dream Job 101 course for more information on how you can secure your desired job change.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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