What does it take to achieve your professional objectives? Many executives and professionals want to know what they can do to make a significant impact in their roles and advance in their careers. The truth is that there is no single trick or secret to achieving success at work. Many things are required, including believing in yourself, taking focused action, and meeting or exceeding your performance goals. Increasing your credibility is the simplest way to get promoted, earn a raise, and/or gain access to new opportunities.

How would your life change if more people paid attention to you and respected you as a leader? What would change if you were perceived as someone with power and authority? It usually takes time and a genuine commitment to improve aspects of your personality. Credibility is an attribute that is inherent in you, which is why it is difficult to fake or establish quickly. People with ulterior motives or the desire to manipulate situations will eventually be exposed, so it is critical that you have the best interests of your team and department in mind. Here are ten ways to increase your credibility at work!

Tell the truth – People who tell the truth are respected because it is easy to lie or conform to a group in order to avoid standing out. It is best to speak the truth in all circumstances.

Don’t gossip – Confidentiality is the foundation of trust; without it, there is nothing. Influential people know how much to say to get their point across without revealing too much or embarrassing others.

Do your homework – This is what distinguishes serious professionals from the rest. Learn everything you can about topics relevant to your role or topics of interest to your team.

Prepare – Professionals understand what others do not and when to apply it to their specific situation. When you are credible, you are often the “go-to” person in any situation.

Increase your knowledge – There is always something new to learn and room to grow. If you believe you understand your current position, how can you learn more to improve your results? Could your expertise assist a coworker in performing their duties more effectively?

Improve your abilities – Take advantage of every opportunity to hone your skills. Would taking a class or earning a certification be beneficial to your job? How can you take your knowledge to the next level?

Be proactive – This is something that most people learn on the job. Anticipating the challenges and needs of your position and department quickly distinguishes you from the competition.
You will appear invaluable if you can provide solutions to these problems.

Keep Calm – Depending on your personality, this may be difficult. No one will believe you if you are the first to panic and spread negativity. When things appear to be spinning out of control, ask the right questions and make the necessary adjustments to get your team back on track.

Consult with others – It’s always useful to get out of your own head and hear another point of view. Taking into account the opinions of others will help you plan and execute more effectively. If you’re not sure who can help you with a project, consult with your manager or a subject matter expert.

Listen more than you talk – This is another difficult area for many extroverts, but when it comes to establishing credibility, it’s not all about your personal thoughts and feelings. Basing your points on the knowledge and experience of others, as well as research and facts, will allow your suggestions to carry more weight.

Workplace leaders are trustworthy, capable, and influential. How might increasing your credibility assist you in reaching your full potential? You have special abilities, knowledge, and talents to share. Putting yourself out there as a credible resource can help you achieve your career goals and earn more money. What is one thing you will commit to doing to increase your credibility?


Still find yourself looking for ways to boost career growth? Fly High Coaching is always here to help. We offer professional resume services and career coaching to help professionals excel or change the path they are on. Contact us today to get started on your new journey or check out our FREE Kick Start Your Success course for more ideas to reach your goals!

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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