I facilitate a lot of workshops within companies to help groups in certain areas like leadership development, communication, and time management.  After completing the workshop, people usually come up and ask me questions or make comments about the content.  By far the number one question I get asked afterwards by employees (who pull me to the side) is, do you do resumes and career coaching? 

It’s estimated that 70% of people are disengaged at work!  The questions I get asked inside of companies prove it.  Most professionals are unhappy and a large percentage of them are looking for another job.  For clients I have in this position, I like to let them know my top 10 secrets of a career coach.

1. Wrap up your current position

Are you ready to walk away from your job?  Are your finances in order?  As romantic as the idea of spontaneously resigning from your job is, I usually recommend against it.  It’s beneficial for most people to wrap up a lot of loose ends before leaving their job and have a solid plan (and savings) in place just in case things don’t go as expected.  

2. Leave on a positive note

This is can be VERY difficult!  I’ve had my fair share of toxic situations including negative working environments, pay discrepancies, and laundry lists of unethical behavior.  At my core, I’m a strategist and to be honest with you, there is rarely a time when leaving a job on a negative note is helpful for you in the long run.  You can’t put a price on your reputation or peace of mind.

3. Get clear on your career goals

Are there special skills or training you need to prepare for the next opportunity?  What are the exact steps you need to start another career?  If you haven’t given much thought to these questions, now is the time.  Having clarity is the first step towards achieving anything and having a breakthrough.  When I begin working with a new client, we go through a deep discovery process about them and what they want. 

4. Decide on your priorities

Now it’s time for the purge.  Write down everything you’re looking for in a new position. After you’ve tackled the basic requirements (role, salary etc.) stretch yourself to consider what’s beyond those.  How long of a commute are you looking for? Do you want to go into an office daily, or have more flexibility?

5. Get a well-written resume

In today’s competitive job market, most people need an amazing resume.  Subpar resumes aren’t going to cut it in the age of Applicant Tracking Systems.  Most resumes submitted for jobs at mid-size to large companies aren’t even seen by a human!  The average corporate job posting receives 250 resumes, which is why I recommend serious professionals have their resume professionally written.

6. Step up your interviewing skills

Most people have no idea how they come across to others.  Self-awareness is usually lacking because the majority of individuals hang out with others who like them and exclude/shun/ignore people who don’t like them.  As a result, they never truly understand how they present themselves or appear in most settings.  An interview is all about appearances and how someone thinks you’ll perform based on your track record.

7. Network in new places

One of the best ways to position your self for success is to get out and meet more people.  Networking professionally in new environments can help you transition into another role quickly.  Whatever your goal is, the overwhelming odds are that you’ll need help to get there.

8. Take action everyday- Momentum leads to success.

It usually takes a lot of action on your part to facilitate some change.  If you want a new job, consider spending at least 20 minutes a day looking for positions, researching companies, or studying job requirements.  Just the act of setting your intention on what you want also helps you to be open to new opportunities.

9. Create a support system

The secret is, I’m a recovering Lone Ranger, who tried to do everything myself.  You don’t have to go it alone!  So many professionals have ambitious goals, but when you’re already overworked adding something else to your plate can be a nightmare.  Fear quickly sets in and they quit on themselves.  Set up a support system.  Who are you having productive career conversations with?

10. Talk to coaches and mentors

Friends and family are great to talk to about your goals, but their input can often be detrimental if they don’t have relevant experience.  Let’s face it, family members and friends are biased.  They see you in a certain way and already have expectations for you regardless of your own thoughts. Talking to a mentor or career coach can really help to put things into perspective and actually help to focus on what YOU really want.

If those 10 secrets sound like a lot, its because they are a lot of information!  Who’s supporting you in your quest for a new career or job?  You can make the transition you desire even if you don’t know where to start, or if you’ve been in another career for 10+ years.  Which area do you need to focus on first?

P.S.  We want to help you start off the year with the job you want.  Contact us for your Resume Makeover!

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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