Have you ever felt undervalued within your company? No matter what you do, it might seem like your manager gives you projects that are not using all of your education, training, and skills. For many executives and professionals, the first sign of being valued within a company comes in praise or a raise of their compensation. When they feel they aren’t being valued, many start to consider requesting a raise. Requesting a raise or renegotiating salary can show your loyalty to the company and desire for growth. However, the question is not if you should ask. The question you should ask yourself is, “When can I negotiate salary?”

Attaining degrees at several levels helps to show others that you have successfully learned information. Ph.D. recipients have demonstrated that they’ve performed high-level skills, such as synthesizing and analyzing details regarding specific subjects. Unfortunately, simply having a degree does not always equate to trust and respect within an organization. Companies are made up of employees with varying backgrounds, experiences, and opinions. Whether or not you have an advanced degree, you might have to display your value in various ways in many situations. Here are four ways to show your worth in the workplace and position yourself to negotiate your salary!

Make Insightful Comments and Practice Active Listening

Most people do more talking than listening. Many professionals also fall into the trap of constantly proving themselves to others in conversation, which can seem like overcompensating in some situations. This can be counterproductive in the workplace because it is a natural desire to want others to hear you. Your manager and colleagues could be turned off if you don’t spend enough time listening to others. After genuinely listening during conversations, make insightful comments that reinforce what the other person said and include additional information. Being perceptive shows others that you can be trusted to take on more duties because you keep up with what is going on.

Speak up Strategically in Group Meetings

Many extroverts are very vocal in meetings. However, their comments can be easily forgotten or dismissed if they aren’t saying much of value. On the other hand, most introverts find it difficult to speak up during meetings because they haven’t fully formulated their thoughts or do not want to interrupt others. The key is to employ your voice strategically in sessions, especially in front of your manager or boss. What can you articulate that will address a point of concern that has not been brought up by the others? Can you provide another point of view that has not been thought of? Starting those types of conversations will help you be remembered for your critical thinking and intellect.

Be a Big Picture Thinker

When it comes to a job, many people arrive on site and mindlessly do their work without thinking, in other words, on autopilot. They don’t proactively address points of concern or ask impactful questions. If you think a few steps ahead, consider the big picture, and inform your boss or manager of possible issues or challenges, it generally leads to coworkers and team members developing a higher level of respect for you. You start to be looked at as a team member who is vital to the company’s success. It is crucial to make sure that your delivery of concerns and suggestions is not rude or condescending.

Continue Developing and Learning Outside of the Company

Top performers usually continue learning and growing throughout their careers. This is what helps them do their job better and excel. Taking it upon yourself to join professional organizations and associations, take part in supplemental training, and achieve certifications shows to your company that you are serious about and dedicated to your position. Finding the right context and time to mention this to your boss or manager is also a great idea. What are some supplemental development opportunities that you could pursue to reinforce your worth?

If you feel undervalued at work, asking to negotiate your salary or for a raise is great, but it’s important to ask yourself “When can I negotiate salary?” It’s productive to consider how you’ve demonstrated your value within the company first. Have you done anything above and beyond your role and job description? Making thoughtful comments and using active listening during conversations can let others know that you hear them and have essential information to share with them. Being vocal in meetings with strategic insight can be when others, including your manager, can notice. Thinking two to three steps ahead and learning and developing outside of your company are highly advantageous ways to highlight your capabilities and contribution. How do you plan to show your worth in the workplace?


Fly High Coaching can help you soar to your full potential and find your dream job. We offer career coaching services, interview preparation and resume makeovers to support your success. Contact us today to get started with our expert career coaches. Check out our Land Your Dream Job 101 course for more information on how you can secure your desired job change.

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Porschia Parker-Griffin

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. When she is not coaching, Porschia enjoys traveling, cooking, and working with animals.
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